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Re: [] MoDisco Model Browser Icons usage

The situation is indeed a bit confusing, I would say I do agree with Tom.
However, I would prefer to have an actual confirmation from the Eclipse IP Team: what is your opinion on this particular problem?
Thanks in advance.


On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 4:23 PM, Tom Morris <tfmorris@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I don't speak for MoDisco, but my interpretation is different.  The component is licensed under the EPL, so to reuse or redistribute all or part of it, you need comply with that license, which basically says that you need to use an EPL compatible license.  It does not, however, include any attribution requirements, other than that implied by preserving copyright notices as required.

The license is pretty short and straightforward.  The best thing to do is read it yourself to understand what's required:


On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 8:38 AM, Ed Willink <ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Your code presumably provides some kind of license page identifying what license you impose.

You must impose a license otherwise people who like your code and want to re-use it will have to keep asking you if they can. Many companies that like your code will be unable to do so while it has no definitive license. If you want your code to be free, EPL is pretty good.

So on your license page where you say that your code is EPL and consequently all copies must copy your license page, you just identify that certain icons came from Modisco. Look at the about.html in many Eclipse plugins and the license features. Example about.html attached.


        Ed Willink

On 29/11/2013 13:10, Oliver Libutzki wrote:
Hello everyone,

currently I develop an outline view which visualizes the semantic model
of Xtext based Ecore models.

I really like the MoDisco model browser and would like to reuse some of
the icons (especially for references). Do I have to respect any special
copyrights or licenses?

My code is hosted at GitHub:

Of course the code and the tool itself is available for free.

Thanks for your answer.

Kind regards
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