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[] MDT Project Provisioned


Initial provisioning of the MDT project is now (finally) complete! The website is publicly available at (or

A newsgroup has been created for each (sub)component - eclipse.modeling.mdt.eodm, eclipse.modeling.mdt.uml2.ocl, eclipse.modeling.mdt.uml2.uml,, and eclipse.modeling.mdt.xsd. As component owners, it will be your responsibility to moderate these specific newsgroups. The legacy newsgroup has been locked down (redirecting users to the new group) and the new eclipse.modeling.mdt.xsd newsgroup has been made read-only (redirecting users to the old group, at least for now). Christian and Gordon, in case you haven't already, please make an announcement on the EMFT newsgroup to redirect your clients to the new groups.

Bugzilla inbox accounts have also been set up for each (sub)component - mdt-releng-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx, mdt-website-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx, mdt-eodm-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx, mdt-uml2-ocl-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx, mdt-uml2-uml-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx, mdt-uml2-tools-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx, and mdt-xsd-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx. Please edit your Bugzilla preferences so that you are watching the appropriate account(s).

Note that Nick has been kind enough to set up Wikis for each (sub)component - please start evolving these to provide appropriate documentation, FAQs, etc. to your user communities. As always, if you have any questions, let us know!


Kenn Hussey

Senior Software Developer
Rational Software, IBM Software Group

770 Palladium Drive
Kanata, Ontario, K2V 1C8

T: (613) 599-3980  F: (613) 599-3912

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