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RE: RE: [] genClass in deployment diagram


I tried to add new class "Myclass" in the ecore file.

if I genrate a new UML.genmodel (I delete the first one).
The new genmodel file is not equivalent to the first one. Also, Some properties do not exist.

Factory Methods="true"
Pluralized Getters="true"
Cache Adapter Support="true"
Invariant Prefix="validate"
Safe Strings ="false"..

and also for the UMl package:

Operation package = "org.eclipse.uml2.uml.internal.operations"
Ressource Interface="true"

(please see attached images)

The generated code (Generate Model Code) et le generated plugin ( Generate Edit Code) conatain also some errors.

I have 3 related questions:

1- How to extends correctly the meta-model by new classes??
2- How to generate the coorect UML.genmodel in order to generate the correct code.
3- How to use the new plugin "org.eclipse.uml2.uml" in the plugin "org.eclipse.uml2.diagramm.def" should I export in Jar file.

Thank you for your help.



It looks like general GMF problem. I looked at the GMF code and it does not seem that class org.eclipse.gmf.internal.bridge.transform.GenModelDetector knows how to process the situation when the mapping consists of the elements from different ecore's.

If possible please send me your ecore + mapping (or simple extract with the only problem element) for investigation.

If it is in fact a GMF problem, I hope it is severe enough to be fixed soon.
But as a temporarily workaround, I can suggest to use the basic ecore metaclass extended by some stereotype instead of new EClass extends Uml-EClass. You will need to add the constraint to existing mapping (that checks that stereotype is not applied) and opposite constraint to your new mapping.


>Hi all,
>I try now to extend deployment diagram by new concepts.
>I add a new element "softwareElement" in meta class (org.eclipse.uml2.uml) and I added this element in the
>plugin (org.eclipse.uml2.diagram.def).
>When I tried to generate the deploymentDigaram.gmfgen (using "create generator model") an error occurred: "Can not find
>genClass for class' SoftwareElement 'in package uml".
>Really, I need your Help.
>Any response is welcome,

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Attachment: OLDGenmodel.JPG
Description: JPEG image

Attachment: NewGenmodel.JPG
Description: JPEG image

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