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[] Ynt: Use of Decision Node in Papyrus with Moka

Hi all,

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Related Projects: Model Development Tools (MDT) Eclipse MDT UML2; Eclipse OCL (Object Constraint Language) Model-to-Model Transformation (MMT) Eclipse QVT Operational

I am doing post graduated education in Ege Üniversity. My thesis on Papyrus and Moka.I have designed a model as follows.But I can't use Decision Node properly.I want to write a condition.I'm gonna run the Moka on this model.How do I use a decision Node and how do I write a rule ?Can you please help me or can you give an e-mail to someone who can help ? Please help me for this problem. I do not solve this long for a long time.

Eclipse forum I shared my question.I share below.I am having trouble using Decision node and guard.I hope I can tell what I want to do.Can you please help me?

After Red Line executed with moka service ,"Dispose execution engine resources.Dispose Moka services" error occurs.Do not go to the next step.Please help me ? If you can't help, can you direct me (Can you tell email address)

Best Regards

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