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[] Code Generation with gmfgen tycho plugin

Dear all,

I am looking at this integration of the gmf-gen Tycho plugin done by Svyatoslav Kovalsky and Michael Golubev, in Papyrus.

The goal of this gmf-gen maven Tycho is to be able to regenerate the diagram code at buildtime, and not to have to do it manually.


·         A full continuous integration

·         A good practice to generate at the fly the code from gmfgen model

·         Discouraging people to modify the generated code in src-gen

·         Encouraging people to modify templates


At this moment it is not officially release but it is functionnal

Do not hesitate to vote for it here:


Note: This Tycho plugins seems not to be release inside a nexus repository: . Perhaps it could be good to deploy it directly here in a gmfgen repository.

At this moment, there is no official maven connector for it in Eclipse. However, you can run it manually, with “mvn install” command.


We have an example of integration for papyrus clazz diagram here:


I would like to know:


·         which is the last official code template for papyrus code generation?

o   It seems that the last manual generation of code for clazz diagram did not use the right one template? Or at least a different template.

o   I have found the following templates

§  /templates/papyrus_formatter.xml

§  /templates/ZeroBlankLinePapyrusFormatter.xml

o   May I delete the unnecessary templates?

·         May I push over the patch of Svyatoslav with the following modifications:

o   Push the code regenerated with the right template?

o   Push the code regenerated in src-gen and not src ?


Thanks for the clarification/help.



Francois LE FEVRE

Research Engineer

Commission for Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies (CEA)

Model-driven Engineering for Embedded Systems Laboratory (LISE)

Projet: Papyrus:

Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)

Paris-Saclay Campus - Nano-INNOV | Bât. 862-PC1087 | F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex

T. +33 (0)1 69 08 49 86  |  F. +33 (0)1 69 08 83 95  |

francois.le-fevre@xxxxxx   |  Blog:



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