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[] Sumitted: Papyrus Bundle Refactorings for Neon M6

Hi, team,

As promised earlier this week, the second wave of refactorings for Neon is now submitted.  See an overview below, as sent out before, and more specific migration details on the wiki:

There have been a few commits just this morning (EST) since the last time I rebased this change, so perhaps there will be a bit of churn in the builds today.  I’ll keep on top of it until the build seems to be stable (or, as stable as it can be with 53 recurring failures).



On 9 February, 2016 at 19:55:25, Christian Damus (give.a.damus@xxxxxxxxx) wrote:

Hi, Team,

This is advanced notice of a new large-scale refactoring readying to be merged into the master branch for this Neon M6 milestone. I am aiming for a Friday morning (GMT–5) submission to give it the day here to shake out and, I hope, not disrupt everybody else’s plans for this week. Please speak up if you have questions or concerns.

The Gerrit review 66171 currently in progress aims to complete the remediation of invalid (“upward-directed”) dependencies between plug-ins in the various “layers” of the Papyrus Architecture. In particular, we will now have an acyclic graph of dependencies (there were all kinds of cycles in the Mars release) like so:

Layered Architecture

These relationships are, of course, aggregations of dependencies that are expressed between individual bundles. Also, the “Infra Layer” is further subdivided, roughly so:

Infra Layer

Projects Moved

To prepare for Hudson builds per component, the entire Main Plug-ins tree in the git repository is reworked as a hierarchical Maven build (so is the Main Features tree, but that has no impact on your workspace). Several plug-in projects are moved around in the directory tree, including (highlighted items are also renamed):

Project Moved Moved From Moved To
org.eclipse.papyrus.eclipse.project.editors infra infra/editor
org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.constraints[.*] infra infra/constraints infra infra/core
org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.filters[.*] infra infra/filters
org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.gmfdiag.css.palette infra/gmfdiag uml/diagram
org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.hyperlink infra infra/misc
org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.psf infra infra/misc
org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.sync infra infra/misc
org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.newchild[.*] infra infra/newchild
org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.onefile infra infra/onefile
org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.onefile.ui infra infra/ui
org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.extendedtypes[.*] infra infra/xtypes
org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.ui[.*] infra infra/ui
org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.widgets[.*] infra/widget infra/ui

Projects Added

The following plug-in projects are added to support the refactoring effort:

Project Added Comments
org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.emf.gmf this provides APIs that build on the “super-EMF” capabilities of the GMF Run-time core APIs, not related to notation or the diagram editors. Some APIs are moved out of the Papyrus Diagram Layer into here that are not diagram-oriented and are required by Infra Layer code
org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.nattable.gmfdiag some diagram-oriented APIs (in particular, copy/paste strategies) were moved out of the infra.nattable.common bundle to rid that one of dependencies on the Diagram Layer the org.eclipse.papyrus.views.propertiesbundle doesn’t actually implement a view, as such, because the Properties View is provided by Eclipse (this isn’t like the Model Explorer and Model Validation views). Also, most of the APIs are the framework for dynamic XWT-based editing that is also re-used by the Welcome Page. Accordingly, the vast majority of the APIs in this bundle are moved into The old bundle remains for management of workspace preferences for custom property view enablement
org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.service.types.ui a bunch of edit-helper advices for the UML metamodel that interact with the user through UI dialogs and such are moved into this bundle from the org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.service.typesbundle, which now is headless. Accordingly, the registration of those advices are moved from the model in the old bundle into a new model in the new bundle
org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.service.types.ui.tests a new test fragment that removes tests of the UI-dependent advices from the headless test bundle

Projects (and Bundles) Renamed

A few bundles are renamed, in some cases as part of their move from one Papyrus architectural layer to another:

  • org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.gmfdiag.css.palette becomes org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.css.palette because the CSS styles that it provides ride along on the overtly UML Profile–oriented palette provider framework
  • becomes because preference pages are only a special case of UI and this bundle had to be blown up by extracting non-UI APIs out of it, anyways

Hierarchical Maven Build

For the Main Plug-ins and Features, the Maven module structure is now strictly hierarchical: every module’s parent is its parent directory, except that the root POMs are all still in the releng/folder: the releng/main/pom.xml calls into three modules, thus:


All of the root- and intermediate-level modules (those that have the POM packaging type) have the version number 0.0.1. This serves two purposes: it clearly signals that they do not generate an Eclipse installable artifact and it distinguishes them from any bundle or feature projects that happen to have the same name. These version won’t have to be maintained henceforward. All modules are in (and inherit from their parent) the org.eclipse.papyrus group.


Not as many APIs are actually broken in this phase of the refactoring as in the first phase in the Neon M5 milestone. Most updates were accommodated by pulling APIs from a higher layer to a lower layer in the stack and deprecating the originals. So, the remnant APIs self-document the appropriate migration strategies.

However, it is still necessary to break some APIs, such as for the headless/UI partitioning where UI-oriented APIs simply cannot co-reside with headless APIs and for pushing up APIs that belong in higher layers (stubs cannot sensibly remain behind). All active projects in the main Papyrus git repository are refactored to adapt to these changes. For details of how to migrate any other code, the Migration Guide on the wiki will be updated when this Gerrit review is submitted. An announcement will be made on the mailing list at that time.

After this phase of refactoring is complete, I shall be turning my attention to updating the management of bundle and feature versions, including:

  • provisioning tooling (PDE, Oomph) for analysis of version numbering problems
  • (with the help of the previous item) updating bundle and feature numbers from 1.2 to 2.0 as appropriate for the refactorings done so far
  • adopting Eclipse’s best practices concerning dependency version ranges and re-exports

Thanks for your attention,



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