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Re: [] discusion relative to maven integration in papyrus

Hi, Camille,

On Thursday, Feb 19, 2015 at 12:00, LETAVERNIER Camille <camille.letavernier@xxxxxx>, wrote:

Ø  (as an aside, do we have a good story for the EMF codegen situations that require editing generated code?)


All metamodels based on the GMF Notation metamodel, which doesn’t come with a GenModel. Especially the generated code for the Model Import tool and Viewpoints can’t be compiled immediately. They need manual fixes.

Right, but does this mean that they (a) won’t implement code generation in the build, (b) that only the files that need custom code will be check in to git and the rest will be generated in the build (and those that are checked in re-generated), or (c) that we are looking for or inventing a solution that lets the custom code be factored out of the generated code in EMF models?


The Notation metamodel has been generated a long time ago, and I suspect something not standard has been used (Or maybe I just don’t know which GenModel options should be enabled :) )


Ø  [cwd]  That’s a good point.  I’ve even forgotten now what the motivation was for migrating the builds to Tycho in the first place.  And I think I was one of those that were advocating for it!


Much (much, much, much, much, much, much, much) easier to maintain and reproduce than our previous Ant/Buckminster build.

Heh heh.  I didn’t know it was that much easier.  I always found Buckminster simple to set up, run, and maintain, myself.  But then, that wasn’t in projects of the size of Papyrus.  :-)



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