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Re: [] Diagram-2-diagram drag drop requirements?



For DnD, there is a dedicated framework within Papyrus and a related extension point that enable to define specific DnD policies as shown in the preference page of Papyrus:



So a priori, every DnD actions should be go through this framework.


It is sometime necessary/useful to be able to show a model element on a diagram even if the model element owning the diagram is not the container of the dropped model element. In that case, the user should be asked what to do: cancel, show the model element and operate the related semantics change (It may be an interesting feature to also enable the user to preview the change before accepting or declining it), or only show the model element on the diagram. In that latter case, the figure of the dropped element is adorned with the symbol .

The aforementioned behavior should be the same whatever the drag origin of the model element to drop (e.g., another diagram – DnD between two different diagram - , the same diagram, the model explorer or even the property view). The aforementioned behavior should be the same whatever the drop location within a diagram (e.g., the compartment of package, the nested classifier compartment of Class or the background of a diagram).


Merry Christmas and happy new year,

Best… Sébastien.



Sébastien Gérard

Head of the LISE labs and leader of the Eclipse Papyrus project (

+33 (0)1 69 08 58 24 / +33(0)6 88 20 00 47

CEA Saclay Nano-INNOV


DILS/Laboratoire d’Ingénierie dirigée par les modèles pour les Systèmes Embarqués (LISE),

Point Courrier n°174

91 191 Gif sur Yvette CEDEX


De : [] De la part de Michael Golubev
Envoyé : lundi 22 décembre 2014 12:18
À : Papyrus Project list
Objet : [] Diagram-2-diagram drag drop requirements?



I would like to invite everyone to comment on just created bugzilla's:

- [1] Bug 455940: nested classifiers DnD behavior

- [2] Bug 455910: Display of shortcut decoration inconsistent for different element types

Both bugs claims some inconsistency of behavior -- some elements reacts to DnD differently comparing to another. Technically both bugs are easy to debug and fix one way or another, but I am not quite sure which of the choices is "right".

Looking at the code at different diagrams we can find plenty of exceptional cases around DnD code, so it is difficult to infer the generic logic from them. Bugzilla also gives you a lot of DnD-related bugs but again in case by case basis.

I doubt it is the first time the generic DnD logic is being questioned, so if you have some links, please let me know. Or we can use this thread to reiterate generic requirements / user expectations for the diagram-2-diagram drag drop.







Michael "Borlander" Golubev
Eclipse Committer (GMF, UML2Tools)
at Montages Think Tank, Prague, Czech Republic

1165/1 Dvorecka, 14700, Prague-4 Podoli


tek: +420 602 483 463


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