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Re: [] End refactoring

Hello everybody,



The structural refactoring is now finished. You can commit on the trunk again.


The following changes have been made :


-          Some architecture layers have been created for Papyrus

-          The plug-ins have been moved to the most pertinent layer

-          The plug-ins have been renamed to match their layer’s qualified name : org.eclipse.papyrus.<layer qualified name>.<plugin name>

o   For example, org.eclipse.papyrus.diagram.clazz is now org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.clazz (Where “uml.diagram” is the layer’s qualified name, and “clazz” is the plug-in’s name)

-          The packages have been renamed to match their plug-in’s name

-          The extension points have been renamed to match their plug-in’s name

-          The svn hierarchy has been redefined to match the layer’s names (A SVN folder or subfolder correspond to a layer or sublayer)

o   Some Project Set Files (*.psf) have been provided in the /trunk/readme folder, to help the developers to checkout the plugins. Some more psf files will be added in the future (Probably one psf per layer/sublayer), for those who only want to get a subset of the Papyrus sources.


You can find the list of all renamed plug-ins in attachment to the following bugzilla task :


362162: [Architecture - Refactoring] The plug-ins should be renamed to match their layer's qualified name


The build has *not* been repaired yet.


The following bugs have been identified. Some of them are probably due to the refactoring, but one of them may be related to the new “read-only” feature. I haven’t investigated too much on that yet :


-          The “new child” menu does not appear in the Model Explorer

o   Bug 363911 - [Refactoring] The "New child" menu does not appear in the ModelExplorer

-          The “delete” command is grayed in most diagrams (e.g. Class Diagram, Composite diagram…). It still works in the profile diagram.

o   Bug 363910 - [Refactoring] The "Delete" menu from diagrams is disabled

-          The IBD and BDD palettes do not work

o   Bug 363912 - [Refactoring - SysML] The IBD and BDD palettes do not work


The following tests are broken :


-          SashEditor / SashEditor.di : do not compile (This is not related to the refactoring ; these tests are also broken on the branch)

-          ResourceLoading : Most tests fail

-          Class diagram : Most tests fail (It seems they also fail on the branch)


I haven’t investigated on these failures yet.


All the diagram.common and sysml tests succeeded.


Theoretically, the files used to generate code (genmodel, gmfgen, xtext…) have been migrated. However, I suggest that each developer tries to regenerate its code (We still need to migrate the templates for diagrams ; essentially to fix some imports).



Here are the next steps :


-          Migrate the generation templates. As far as I’ve seen, this only concerns a few imports.

-          Fix the tests and the bugs which have been identified.

-          A few plug-ins have not been refactored yet (This essentially concerns new plug-ins, see the contents of the “Papyrus” working set in the global *.psf)

-          Move the deprecated plug-ins to the deprecated folder on the SVN

-          Clean up the dependencies between the plug-ins. Now that we have identified the theoretic dependencies between Papyrus components, we need to clean the plug-ins code. Everyone should contribute to clean their own code.





De : [] De la part de DAUSSY Arthur
Envoyé : lundi 14 novembre 2011 11:53
À : Papyrus Project list
Objet : [] End refactoring



 I would like to know if the refactoring was over. Because I would like to backport bug I have committed on the 0.8.x branch.

 Moreover I have heard that the psf file has been updated (not sure). If any where can I find it?

 I have looked for it into the repository but I have only found an old one in doc/developerDocuments/svn-set/subversion/papyrus-eclipse.psf.






Arthur Daussy
Atos Origin Intégration
6 impasse A
lice Guy
BP 43045
31024 Toulouse Cedex 3

Telephone : +33 (0) 5 34 36 32 90



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