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[] [Releng] Adding new plugins in Papyrus project

Hi all,


Just a small reminder for every developer of Papyrus MDT tool. When you create a new plugin for Papyrus:

-          Please check that every information on the plugin is correctly set. For example, the plugin version number is currently 0.7.0.qualifier.

-          The name of the folder on SVN and  the project name must be similar to the identifier of the plugin, this makes life easier.

-          When using internationalization for plugins, do not forget to add the file, and add it in the binary build of the project.

-          Add a subtask to the “[General] Add releng task” task ( I - or you, even better ;) - have to perform several operations after that: adding the plugin to the correct feature, adding it to the map file, launch the build process to see if everything compile, etc.


These last days, a lot of plugins were added to Papyrus. We are all in the rush for the feature freeze, I cannot – and wish not - spend hours tracking the modification on SVN repository to see if plugins were added ; whereas putting the task in the bugzilla with me in CC or assigned warns me that I have more work to do.


There is already some doc about this process in the wiki ( I will modify the main developers wiki page to add a shortcut to this sub-page.




+33 1 69 08 48 48
CEA LIST, Boîte courrier 65,
F-91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex



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