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[mat-dev] Memory Analyzer 1.12 contribution to Eclipse 2021-06 M3

I've contributed the latest Memory Analyzer 1.12 build to SimRel for inclusion in Eclipse 2021-06 M3.

Please test the code at

There is still time for fixes, 1 week before  Eclipse 2021-06 RC1 and then another week before  Eclipse 2021-06 RC2, so do report any problems.
There a few more things to do - a New and Noteworthy, help for unindexed objects (& possibly some OQL tidy up) and reviewing the bug list

Some new features are:
Enable parsing of compressed files created by OpenJDK >= 15, and also performance improvements with gzipped HPROF files.

Viewing unindexed objects from snapshots with discarded objects
Acquire heap dump improvements

I would like to build the stand-alone MAT 1.12 against Eclipse 4.20 from Eclipse 2021-06 as then we can pick up some Jetty security fixes. They aren't essential but using older versions could cause security scans to flag the plugins. The release 4.20 is not available yet so I've made a guess as to the target platform. We now have target platform and product files which can be separately specified in regular builds. The 'mat-promote-release' takes the SimRel contribution and generates matching binaries; I think it needs parameterising for the destination location and possibly target platform & product.

Andrew Johnson

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