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Re: [m2t-dev] [backend] About Functions

Hi Laurent,

I understand your wish, and I will implement it in the near future.

BTW, the reason the expression classes are final is to keep the way open to serializing them, e.g. as an ecore model.


- Arno

PS: I am personally not a big fan of IRC - email works better for me.

Laurent Goubet schrieb:
Hi all,

I was looking at the backend and how expressions and operations were handled and was wondering if some functionalities were accessible.

I am currently trying to instantiate all of the backend expressions and stumbled upon a use case I can't see a way to solve nicely : let's say the input language is ambiguous on function calls and allows with the same sintax to call either a function, or a declared field of the receiver object (I'm calling "receiver" the object on which the function is called, your "first parameter"), how can I convert this to a backend expression (see xpand example below)?

I tried an InvocationOnWhateverExpression, to no avail. And since InvocationOnWhateverExpression is declared final, I cannot subclass it to alter the way it behaves when a function of the given name cannot be retrieved before it simply throws an ExecutionException.

An example of what I am trying to convert for the backend could look like (in xpand, "name" refers to the name of the NamedElement, not to a random function) :
DEFINE function FOR uml.NamedElement

Thanks in advance.
Laurent Goubet

PS : As a side note, do you ever visit an IRC chan? I'm idling on #eclipse and #eclipse-modeling, these discussion might be easier on a chat.

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Arno Haase
Langemarckstr. 16
53227 Bonn

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