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Re: [m2m-iwg] Eclipse M2M IWG Topic Space Design Thoughts


Thanks for the quick feedback.  I've thrown some quick thoughts together in response to your note:

I define my own set of verbs and semantics for the applications that my company fields.  I'm very strict that they are followed so that we can make use of the tight semantics in other parts of the network.  

The "traditional" HTTP REST semantics are a bit tricky.  One of the key selling points of MQTT over just using HTTP is the unsolicited report.  In my systems a READ results in a REPORT.  REPORT messages are also produced in an unsolicited manner by the source client.  An HTTP GET would map to a READ with a REPORT payload in response.  But if you restrict yourself to HTTP, you end up with no verb for the unsolicited report.  You can invert the client server relationship (ala Modbus), but you get the same problem, only with the READ request instead of the unsolicited report.  In the end, I decided that its important to provide a true representation of the interactions and not try to artificially map them to HTTP.

In terms of payload, I use a data model for my systems, which I can render in XML, JSON, CSV, etc.  By forcing some simple constraints on my developers, I can ensure that the transformations are mechanical and don't require any hand coding.  This approach helps a ton for interop.  I agree that discovery is a key feature.  If you built in discovery in the zeroth case, then you get install/uninstall/upgrade of sensors for free.  If you were to alternately assume apriori knowledge of the configuration, then you end up having to handle install/uninstall and upgrade individually.



On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 9:44 PM, Rick Bullotta <rick.bullotta@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Good stuff, James.

A few questions/comments:

Does the current MQTT protocol (and current implementations) support many of these verbs?  Notably, a demand-based read or write, metadata, and list?  

It may be desirable to also overlay "traditional" (quotes intentional) REST semantics using HTTP methods as an alternative to including the Verb in the URI.  

Obviously some consistent representation of the payload and it's semantics would be essential for interoperability and discovery.  It would be useful to explore those use cases and some examples. 

Best regards,

Rick Bullotta

On Sep 3, 2012, at 9:34 PM, "James Branigan" <jb@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi everyone,

I had a todo from one of the previous M2M IWG calls to write-up some of my experiences with topic space design.  I've based the example topics below on our M2M Scenarios that describe a grocery store refrigeration unit. 

Please let me know if you have any questions.



Eclipse M2M IWG Topic Space Design Thoughts

Within an MQTT design space, there are issues related to topic space design.  This is not a unique concern for MQTT, in fact HTTP has already been through many of these issues with URL design.  One way to think about MQTT and HTTP is as follows: The difference between MQTT and HTTP is directional: MQTT is to HTTP as PUSH is to PULL.  SOAP and REST both use very different design styles on top of HTTP.  Both styles are also possible in MQTT topic space design.  The following topic space is more aligned with a REST style design.  It has relatively few verbs and is organized around resources, which provide representations for the sensors, actuators and devices.

Simplistic Topic Space Design Template


Example Topics:

A request for the latest temperature value for zone 1 of refrigeration unit 13 at store 123.


A report of the latest temperature value for zone 1 of refrigeration unit 13 at store 123.


A request to set the set-point for zone 2 of refrigeration unit 2 at store 456.


A request for all meta-data for zone 2 of refrigeration unit 2 at store 456.


A request for all sensor and actuator ids for a refrigeration unit 2 at store 456.


One of the first things you notice is that I've added the VERB in all caps as the first segment.  This is by convention only.  Next I have a multi-segment path that provides addressibility to the device in question.  In these examples that is a refrigeration unit.  Finally, I have multi-segment path that provides addressibility to the unique sensor and actuator in question.  Multiple paths to the same device is a more advanced topic and not shown here.  By limiting the verbs in use and defining tight semantics, it is possible to construct processes that bridge brokers and provide additional services(proxy servers, data historian, etc). 

Payload Format

The payloads are not shown, although I highly recommend something programming language neutral.  Please do not directly serialize Java or C# objects, you will regret it later.  XML can be very heavy-weight for embedded devices to process.  I often use CSV or JSON for payloads when dealing with embedded systems.  A translation client can be used to rebroadcast after turning XML into CSV/JSON and CSV/JSON back into XML if necessary for enterprise integration.  

Advanced Topic Space Design

There are many other best practices for multi-reads, multi-write, meta-data update, dynamic sensor and actuator installation/removal, id claiming, admin features(log retrieval, firmware flashing, etc.).  These are explicitly left out of this note in order to avoid distracting from the most simple operations.

As I mentioned above, please let me know if you have any questions or comments.

James Branigan
Partner, Band XI International, LLC
919 656 4691

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James Branigan
Partner, Band XI International, LLC
919 656 4691

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