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[m2m-atl-dev] [ATL] Content assist


I just committed a new feature for the ATL editor : a basic content assist system. This feature will be released in the next build of ATL, which will normally be released on 14th december.

Content assist is desactivated by default, you can use it by checking the "Enable auto-activation" checkbox in the ATL -> content assist preference page. Note that you must close/reopen all .atl files to apply any changes in the preferences.

Completion purposes basic templates for rule, helper, from, to, do, using sections. You can also access metamodel informations by writing, at the top of the file, two type of informations about metamodels :
- the nsURI for a given metamodel
- the path of a given metamodel
For instance, here is the top of an UML2Relational transformation :

-- @path Relational=/UML2Relational/metamodels/relational.ecore
-- @nsURI UML=

module Class2Relational;
create OUT : Relational from IN : UML;

<...transformation helpers and rules>

Putting that information allows you to have content assist on :
- helpers :
* primitive types
* model elements
- rules :
* input, output model elements
* left-part of bindings

As I said, this feature is not in the builded version at this time, but you can test it if you're working with the CVS version, and any bugs or comments are welcome.

Note that a non-regression test has also just been released on CVS, in order to improve the new emfvm and make it conform to the standard VM. A page on the Atl site will soon explain that in details.

Best regards,

fn:William Piers
adr:2 rue Robert Schumann;;lot 24;NANTES;;44408;France
title:MDA Consultant
tel;work:+33 (0)2 51 13 51 82
tel;cell:+33 (0)6 20 31 75 98

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