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[m2e-wtp-dev] m2e wtp setting files and SCM repository changes

Hello everybody,

we are using git as SCM and the following .setting files are committed initially:

since we have workspace resolution for mvn modules activated we have the following scenario which drives us a bit crazy:
* the first file gets updated every time a Developer imports a project that is referenced in pom.xml
* git always mark this file as changed
* some Developers just add, commit, and push these changes, while others know that the change are workspace specific and are not valid for others
* some changes in pom.xml file (e.g. contextName) are relevant and settings file content updated by m2e correclty (maven --> update project...

I'd like to get an impression how others handle this to avoid always "git checkout --" for .settings files before committing relevant changes to the project such as java files, etc

I tried to use "--assume-unchanged" option in gitbut IMHO its not really an option because if others clone a repositorythey have to configure it again. On the other hand it can be hard to get updates from others in.

In addition, the wst files are required to have a proper Eclipse project setup. Is it an option to generate these (Maven --> Uptate project ...) before or during "Import Maven project into Workspace".

Looking forward to hear best practices from others

In regards
- Frank

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