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Re: [m2e-users] Maven -> Update Project triggers deploy goal

Hello Phil,
I haven't look at the details of your project, but usually you can configure plugin's executions using the <?m2e XXXXXX?> syntax.
In your case: <?m2e ignore?> is what you want.
Hope it helps


On Sun, 10 May 2020 at 17:43, Phil Adams <padamstx@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I recently changed my build (project located here: to start using an alternate deploy plugin (bintray-maven-plugin) so that
I can more easily deploy my artifacts to a Bintray repository.   I have my automated Travis builds set up to build the "deploy" goal only for a tagged-release build.   This is working fine.

The issue is that within my local Eclipse environment whenever I trigger the "Maven -> Update Project" action to refresh dependencies, I'm seeing deploy-related errors in the "Problems" window and red X's appear on my project names in the "Package Explorer" window.
I don't really want to trigger the "deploy" goal in my local environment because I'm not interested in deploying snapshot artifacts and I also don't have the necessary creds setup in my local environment.

Why is the m2e plugin seemingly triggering the "deploy" goal?   I've tried to look for a way to configure the goal that is invoked by "Update Project" but there doesn't appear to be one.
This error didn't occur when I was using the "maven-deploy-plugin", so I'm wondering if there's some weird interaction between the m2e plugin and the bintray-maven-plugin.

Anyone have an idea as to how to avoid these errors in my local Eclipse environment?

Thanks in advance for any help!

Phil Adams
Georgetown, TX
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