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Re: [m2e-users] pom.xml/Dependencies: cannot resolve "Missing artifact" issue


Can you try right-clicking  project then maven > update project  then tick "force update of snapshot/release" ?

Does it work with command line maven ?
Are you sure about groupId/ artifactId/version?
How did you install them in .m2/repository ?

Note that reindex is only used to provide auto completion  in Eclipse. Dependency resolution should work whatever your index is up to date or note.

On Fri, May 20, 2016 at 5:10 PM, floodway <floodway@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

My situation is as follows:
- fresh installation of Eclipse 4.5.2
- brand new workspace
- existing maven modular project imported
- Dependencies tab of pom.xml says in red: "Missing artifact (Click for 5 more)"

These artifacts are not expected to be in any public repository or maven
central, but I have them installed locally beneath ~/.m2/repository.

I've tried to do F5, restart Eclipse itself, and "Reindex" button in
Settings > Maven > User Settings. "Missing artifact" error remains.

Could you please advise me a way to solve this problem?

Thanks in advance.
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