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[m2e-users] How to deploy jar artifact to custom Nexus repository

Hi everybody,

I set up a Nexus Maven repository on a server of mine. Then in my setting.xml 
I configured this repository to be the one to which Maven should ask for 
dependencies and plugins:


          <id> my-repo </id>
          <url> http://nexushostname:8081/nexus/content/groups/public </url>

          <id> my-repo </id>
          <url> http://nexushostname:8081/nexus/content/groups/public </url>


      <activeProfile> my-profile </activeProfile>

Everything works just fine; indeed  in Eclipse I can download dependecies from 
this Nexus repo.

Now I'd like to upload a jar library and its source + javadoc (written by me) 
to this custom Nexus repository so that other developers can use this library 
as a Maven dependency. 

How can I get things done? In particular I need to do all the steps without 
leaving Eclipse and only using m2eclipse functionalities (so I would not like 
to launch mvn commands).

Thanks a lot


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