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Re: [m2e-users] Help with m2e to view maven repository

Yes, the settings.xml is correct in Eclipse. I also clicked the button "Update Settings" under the path to make sure that Eclipse gets all the content in the xml file. However, the problems are still the same.



On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 9:00 PM, rsand <rsand@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Make sure eclipse sees your user's settings.xml file. I had to set that in my eclipse maven settings.


On Jul 21, 2013, at 8:57 PM, "James Zhang" <jzhang9876@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am using the m2e plugin on Eclipse Juno (Java 1.6.0) in an existing project. My company has a centralized maven repository which requires user name/password. I did encrypting the password based on the recommendation on the maven website.
> When I run maven on the command line to build the project, everything is working fine. However, the problem happens in Eclipse. I imported the project into Eclipse, and every time Eclipse would complain that some common jar files like Spring jar files are missing. I went to the view "Maven Repository" and could see my company's repository under "Global Repository" section, but I could not expand the repository to see what artifacts are there. I tried to rebuild the index for the repository but nothing worked. I checked the logs inside Eclipse but could not find anything wrong. Does someone have any idea about the issue or where I could look to resolve it?
> Thanks in advance for your help!
> --James
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