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Re: [m2e-users] Problem with M2E and OSGi runtime launch config

For projects that use maven-bundle-plugin (m-b-p for short), m2e-tycho,
despite the name, will execute m-b-p to generate bundle manifest as part
of eclipse workspace build. It will also make projects using m-b-p
visible to PDE tools, launch configuration in particular, so you can add
these projects to the list of bundles enabled in the launch configuration.

I only use this with "Eclipse Application" and "JUnit Plug-in Test" and
do not know if it works with "OSGi Framework" launch configurations.

Theoretically, you should not need to change anything in your pom.xml
files, but due to some PDE bugs I did not care to debug you have to
change location of generated bundle manifest to META-INF/ I
usually do this in pom profile activated by m2e.version property, so
regular command line build works as is. I also lock version qualifier
'.qualifier' (or any constant string, really) in the same profile to
avoid unnecessary workspace builds.


On 2013-07-14 4:27 PM, Philipp Marx wrote:
Hi Igor,

yes I am talking about felix bundle-plugin. I am sorry I am not too
familiar with the M2E connector infrastructure but I have done some
googleing and try and error (unsuccessful) :)

Do I understand it correct that through the connector every time I
compile my sources M2E will invoke the Tycho plugin to generate the
required PDE artifacts? Or does it only configure the project once (when

For this to work, do I have to specify any particular life-cycle-mapping
in my pom?

Just to be sure: What I really want is to launch my maven bundle build
with felix bundle-plugin as a OSGi bundle with the Eclipse OSGi runtime
launch config :)



Are you talking about maven-bundle-plugin [1] or something else?
Maven-bundle-plugin is supported by m2e-tycho, including integration
with PDE launch support. This is what we use to package m2e maven
runtime. You can install m2e-tycho either from m2e discovery catalog or
directly from [2]


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