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Re: [m2e-users] moving m2e to java7 past kepler sr0

Please, guys, keep the following in mind:

- Installing, or updating Eclipse can be done without administrative privileges.
- Installing, or updating a JRE does.

Not all of us have root permissions, in particular not the Windows users.


On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 8:34 AM, Tonny Madsen <tonny.madsen@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
It's just a statement that new stuff will require other new stuff.

For me the operational word is "require" :-)

And slightly easier development is *not* a hard requirement in my book. Most of the problems the new resource construct can avoid can also be avoided using findbug, checkstyle, etc...


Tonny Madsen
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On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 7:45 AM, Thomas Hallgren <thomas@xxxxxxx> wrote:
On 2013-05-30 22:19, Tonny Madsen wrote:
No so... Remember that Eclipse can be installed everywhere - Java cannot.

That is a good point. However, I've never been able to understand why inertia in some organizations product department should be allowed to hold back technology progress for the developers. If an organization does allow upgrades of Eclipse (and hence upgrades of their development environments), then I find it very likely that they will allow the developers to use Java 7 as well. The fact that the developed product then runs on a Java 6 JVM is not relevant. m2e is all about development. The resulting artifact may well run on much older platforms.

So, It's not like anything is taken away. It's just a statement that new stuff will require other new stuff. If you don't like new stuff, then just stay with the old! But don't expect all others to do so just because.

- thomas

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