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Re: [m2e-users] Download sources flag

When do you get "Sources Not Found" exception, when you debug your
application or when you try to navigate to one of its dependencies using
F3 in java editor, for example? Can you provide exact steps to reproduce
the problem?


On 2013-04-22 6:28 AM, Igor Zapletnev wrote:
Hi all,

Steps to reproduce:
1) Install flag in the Maven prefs "Download Artifact Sources"
2) Remove m2 repo (/.m2/repository)
3) Restart eclipse

I am able to see maven-artifact in my repo:

But there is no sources where and because of that "Sources Not Found"
exception throws when I am trying to open any class from this plug-in
(for example, org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact)

Also I am able to download source manually from maven central repo and
attach them. How can I do it through IDE?

My env:
1) Eclipse for RCP and RAP Developers,
Version: Indigo Service Release 2
Build id: 20120216-1857
2) m2e - Maven Integration for
- m2e


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