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[m2e-users] How do you define provided dependencies with Webby?

Dear all,

My web projects are usually run from maven with the jetty plugin (mvn jetty:run) - usually from within Eclipse.

I've been trying WAR overlays to reuse JSPs and tested with a simple scenario:

ProjectA (war) - has dependency to ProjectB
ProjectB (war) - the overlay

1) If I'm running jetty:run on the command line and ProjectB has been previously installed, jetty runs successfully. However:

2) If I have both projects opened on an Eclipse workspace, I can't run jetty:run in Eclipse - projectB won't be "overlayed" (e.g. jsp's of ProjectB won't be available when running the application

3) I tried Webby and managed to make the overlay work for workspace projects (and is quite impressive). But how do you define provided dependencies? More specifically, my maven-jetty-plugin has 2 dependencies (c3p0 and the postgresql driver, see [1]), but when I run Webby jetty will complain that it can't find classes from those dependencies.

Do you know how to define the dependencies in Webby? Or, alternatively, if running jetty:run with the m2e-wtp allows for war overlays with the overlay project in the workspace?


Miguel Almeida

[1] the jetty-maven-plugin configuration in the pom:

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