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[m2e-users] m2e and SNAPSHOT

Dear All,

I'm new here, and sorry, if my question is too lama.

I use STS 2.9.2 with m2e In our project we use Virgo, where the SNAPSHOT name-convetion is a bit different. We use "." (dot) insted of hyphen.


In STS I have got error (Missing artifact), but I can bild my project from command line. (So the needed component downloaded to my local repo.)
I made a test. When I changed the dot to hyphen, then I didn't get the that error. (I hav got two other, becase the component has two other reference to "dot-stile" snapshotted classes,)
My question: Can I setup the  so m2e plugin, the handle the "dot-style" snapshot?


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