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Re: [m2e-users] Sub-modules pom.xml do not see libraries defined in the main pom.xml

Hi Igor,
indeed, I forgot to mention that I am using the m2e eclipse plugin... :)


On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 2:26 PM, Igor Fedorenko <igor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> You probably want to ask general maven user question on maven-user
> mailing list. This list is dedicated to m2e questions and discussions.
> --
> Regards,
> Igor
> On 12-08-20 8:18 AM, Mauro Dragoni wrote:
>> Good morning to everyone.
>> I am quite new to Maven and I have a problem that I am not able to solve.
>> I have my project structured in this way:
>> main_module
>> |--- module_1
>> |--- module_2
>> |--- module_3
>> and for each module I have created its pom.xml file.
>> I have the following questions:
>> 1) I saw that in the main_module there is not any folder for putting
>> the source code file, but from the manual I read that it is right
>> because it has been created as main project. Is it right?
>> 2) I have defined a package in "module_1" that I would like to re-use
>> in "module_2", but it does not see it. How can I do this?
>> Thanks in advance for any help.
>> Have a nice day.
>> Mauro.
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Dr. Mauro Dragoni
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