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[m2e-users] Connector's compatibility between minor versions

Now both 1.0 and 1.1 has own discovery catalog. And it confuses me a little bit.

Just one example. discovery catalog has Maven Integration for AJDT and don't has it. But I can update from 1.0.200 + AJDT connector to 1.1 without any problems.


1) Is AJDT connector compatible with 1.1?
- If yes: why does 1.1 discovery catalog haven't it?
- If no: why do I can update without AJDT uninstall?

2) If there any way to decide what connectors are compatible with given version and what aren't?

Additional question on discovery catalog theme:
3) Why does discovery catalogs isn't up-to-date? For example, mavenarchiver's vesion in 1.0 catalog is '' (although there is update to - and STS 2.9.2 ships with it)

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