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Re: [m2e-users] Compatibility between indigo m2e and juno m2e

No no, I'm not expecting them to do that. I was just looking for a way to continue working on the project with the team (and among other things, updating and committing to the trunk) while I validate Juno.
I have to ensure that using Juno won't prevent us from doing anything we are currently doing with indigo (For instance, we have to use svn1.6 for now and if subclipse dropped support for 1.6, it would have prevented us from migrating to juno).
You have to understand we are working with people who need pretty serious garanties before doing any change to anything. Real lives are at stake.

I've seen that using an existing indigo workspace with juno keeps the toolbar laf as the indigo one. It does not seem to me it is a documented feature.
I was merely wondering if there were some "hidden compatibility features" like that in m2e, or something I would have overlooked like a "soft compatibility" setting in m2e prefs.
Judging by your answers, there's no such thing, unless I misunderstood you and I'll have to go with branches, separate workspaces, etc. A pain I wish I could have avoided.


On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 9:19 PM, Igor Fedorenko <igor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Do you expect your team members constantly go back and forth between m2e
versions for the same workspace? The error marker is not expected to
appear if the same workspace is used with the same m2e version, which I
believe how most m2e users operate.


On 12-07-12 12:26 PM, Jean Couillaud wrote:

First, I'm sorry if this has already been discussed:
I am trying to migrate from indigo to Juno. To do that, I have to
validate Juno against our different projects. Among others, we have a
200 projects, 2M Locs application in dev that I would like to work on
with juno although the rest of the team still uses indigo.
When I tried to open some of the projects with Juno, m2e complained and
ordered me to update the project conf. I did it and went back to indigo
only to see that indigo complained the same and probably reverted juno's
Is there a way to have part of the team use Juno and the other Indigo
without m2e complaining ?

Thx in advance;

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