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Re: [m2e-users] M2E Update Project issue

As I said, we did see very similar intermittent problem in the past and
we were able to trace it to a bug in pde. We have no further plans to
look into this unless somebody provides very detailed explanation of the
problem and how to fix it, i.e. no black-magic patches that "somehow
appear to make the problem go away" please.


On 12-07-05 7:19 AM, Dave Hartnoll wrote:
I've recently upgraded to the same combination and I'm still getting the same issues with 'Maven->Update Project...' as originally reported and confirmed by Markward. (Original report was using Eclipse 3.7 and m2e 1.0, then later 1.1). My Eclipse and JDK 1.7.0_05 are 64-bit on Win7 if that's relevant.


-----Original Message-----
From: m2e-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:m2e-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Igor Fedorenko
Sent: 04 July 2012 13:49
To: m2e-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [m2e-users] M2E Update Project issue

I have 4.2 classic distro with m2e 1.1 and m2e-tycho latest 0.6.


On 12-07-04 8:46 AM, Markward Schubert wrote:
Well at least this is a trace :-).

Can you tell me, what versions of m2e and PDE you have in the setup,
with which you can NOT reproduce this?
I would try out then if this occurs still, when I update to these
versions. If we can solve it by moving to a newer version of eclipse
or PDE, this would be even nicer, as there would be no bug to wait


2012/7/4 Igor Fedorenko <igor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
I can't reproduce this locally, but we've looked at something very
similar a year or so ago and came to the conclusion it was a PDE bug.
I don't remember all the details any more and there is a chance I
remember this wrong :-)


On 12-07-04 8:22 AM, Markward Schubert wrote:

The problem we can observe here is, that once the project is
successfully imported and then I click "Update Project", it falls
into a broken state.

It shows an error dialog:

Error Updating Maven Configuration

Project Name : tychodemo.bundle
Error: lib/jacob.jar [in tychodemo.bundle] is not on its project's
build path

This is what is in the Error Log:

Wed Jul 04 14:20:35 CEST 2012
Unable to update Maven configuration

Wed Jul 04 14:20:35 CEST 2012
lib/jacob.jar [in tychodemo.bundle] is not on its project's build

If I click "Update Project" again, then the project gets into a good
state again.
If then again I click "Update Project" it gets broken again, and so on.

The more frequent we switch branches, it happens, that a general
"Update Project" is suggested by eclipse, which then fails on such
bundles with the above dialog. I mention this just to explain, why
we click "Update Project" more or less often.

Sorry, I forgot to provide you the information, which versions we
currently use here.

- m2e - Maven Integration for Eclipse
- Tycho Project Configurators
- Eclipse Plug-in Development
Environment     3.8.0.v20111007-1306-7b7uFb4FEx2Xnnmphn9PhXL


2012/7/4 Igor Fedorenko <igor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

What is the problem, exactly? The import of the provided demo
project just worked for me, and apart from missing swtbot
everything seems to be in order. Running Maven->UpdateProject does
not cause any pom-out-of-sync error markers either.


On 12-07-02 2:47 PM, Markward Schubert wrote:

Hello again on this topic!

As mentioned earlier, I started refactoring some of our projects
to move the embedded dependencies into the target platform rather
than having them being reexported by some workspace projects. But
finally I reached a plugin, which actually is a fragment, carrying
the Java-COM bridge from the JACOB project
( This includes
also a dll-file.

Also included where some classes of ours. Looking at this project
setup, it felt pretty correct the way it is. As opposed to the
other examples, where we embedded libraries, just because it was
easy, in this case it felt right, as in fact this was an optional
dependency, if our product was running on windows systems and
everything was closely connected. Our code, as well as the jacob jar and the dll.

So looking from this perspective, I would like to refocus on the
situation, described by Dave, earlier.

I took the freedom to fork Jan Sievers' tycho-demo project in
order to quickly modify it the way our bundle is configured here.
It is completely without any maven-dependency-plugin preparations
and such and you can nicely reproduce the described behavior by
simply importing all the projects and then clicking "Maven->Update
Project Configuration" time after time on the project tychodemo.bundle.

Here is the link to my fork:

This is causing some trouble among those folks here, who have to
switch branches often, because the project setup would not survive
a branch-switch and a collective "Maven->Update Project Configuration"
will always fail in the first place, forcing one to find the
failing projects and do an extra "Update Config".

So if we could find a solution to this, we could make a lot of
people happy in my department.

Thanks for the great work and help!

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