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Re: [m2e-users] m2e can show me dependency artifacts, but not plugin artifacts?

No, you are not missing anything, m2e does not provide a way to see
plugin and plugin dependencies versions. "Effective pom" pom editor tab
is the closest you can get, but I assume this is not what you are
looking for.


On 12-06-07 11:56 AM, KARR, DAVID wrote:
In my poms, I specify specific versions for my dependencies and
plugins.  Every once in a while, I use the interactive dialog in m2e
to see if there are new versions available for some of my
dependencies.  I realized this morning that I've never done that for
plugins, and I think the reason is that m2e doesn't support that.  I
don't see a section in the graphical pom editor for plugin
management, and the dependency "Add" dialog doesn't appear to show
plugin versions.

Am I missing something?
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