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Re: [m2e-users] m2e plugin execution enhances classes but eclipse resources are then out of sync

This is exactly the problem described in [1]. Here is a relevant quote:

"Out-of-workspace resource changes made by Maven plugin triggered
unexpected workspace builds. This was very indeterministic. In some
cases projects appeared to work fine. In some cases, generated/filtered
resources would go missing. And in some cases workspace build would go
on forever."

You need a proper m2e integration to modify .class files, <execute/>
mapping will not work.



On 11-12-07 6:51 AM, Anthony Fryer wrote:
I have a JPA project and as part of my maven build I am enhancing the
classes. In eclipse have auto build enabled and in my pom.xml I have
configured m2e to execute the ehance goal to run as part of the build.
This all seems to work fine except for one issue. After the enhancer has
run, the class files are out of sync with eclipse. This is a problem
because if i try to publish to a server I get an error like "Resource is
out of sync with the file system:
'/my-project/target/classes/com/xyz/entity/MyEntity.class'.". I can't
seem to manually refresh the classes either, so I'm stuck at this point,
not being able to publish to the server.

If i configure eclipse to auto Refresh resources automatically
(windows->preferences->General->Workspace->(Refresh using native hooks
or polling | Refresh on Access) ), then i get into a never ending build
cycle loop. It builds, runs the enhancer which updates the class files,
reloads the class files which triggers another auto build, and so on,
building forever.

Could the m2e plugin update the eclipse resources after the maven
builder has executed, so that eclipse is then in sync with the class
files that could potentially get modified by the maven builder?

The relevent sections of the pom.xml for my project are as follows...


<!--This plugin's configuration is used to store Eclipse m2e settings
only. It has no influence on the Maven build itself.-->

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