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[m2e-users] Troubleshooting "Download JavaDoc"

We proxy all our artifacts downloading using a local Artifactory server.

I'm trying to download the Javadocs for a library (resteasy-spring-2.2.2.GA.jar) using m2e's Maven > Download JavaDoc, but our Artifactory doesn't receive a request for this artifact, there's no attached Javadoc for this JAR, and I can't see anything related to this Eclipse log doesn't seem to contain anything related to this download.

I did the same "Download JavaDoc" for a different library and saw a 404 error in Eclipse's logs, so it's not like this functionality is completely broken.

How can I troubleshoot this problem?

Daniel Serodio

PS.: I think there should be some kind of notification for these requests, on the "Maven Console" view or somewhere similar. Digging thru Eclipse's log should not be necessary.

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