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[m2e-users] Problem with GWT 2.4

Dear all,

I have a problem with the version of m2eclipse packages in Eclipse
Indigo and GWT 2.4.

GWT 2.3 had an issue with maven, as the gwt-servlet package include some
classes from javax.validation (see )

In GWT 2.4, this is solved by a dependency of gwt-user on both 
javax.validation:validation-api jar and
javax.validation:validation-api sources jar

(extract from mvn dependency:tree :

[INFO] +-
[INFO] |  +- javax.validation:validation-api:jar:1.0.0.GA:compile
[INFO] |  \-


When I use maven from the command line, both packages are downloaded and
compilation is ok.

When I import the project in eclipse, then compile, I noted that :
1) only the source jar is downloaded and referenced in the project
2) it is not downloaded in expected dir, along with a few other jars, in
target/ instead of target/<myapp>/WEB-INF/lib/

I can live with point 2 (but would prefer to have everything at the
right place), as I always package using command line mavne.

But point 1 is a blocker for me.

Is this a bug ?
Or is there something to configure ?

Thanks in advance,



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