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[m2e-users] jspweb.xml and web.xml

Hi all,

I'm using m2eand m2e-wtp. I'm not sure exactly which versions (Eclipse
doesn't make it easy to check), but it's the latest from the Eclipse

It's all working brilliantly, and makes development much easier. So
many thanks for that.

However, I've one small niggle. My web project has a web.xml file
included in it;

When the project is published to the Eclipse version of Tomcat it gets
renamed to jspweb.xml, i.e.


This means the first time I publish a project (or change the web.xml),
I have to rename it back to web.xml

Is there a m2e-wtp configuration item somewhere that will prevent the
file from being renamed?

The good news is that when Maven builds the project, it leaves the
name of the web.xml file untouched.



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