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Re: [m2e-users] m2e market place is empty for me

Solved my own issue.  Turns out my Eclipse invocation script had "\truststore.jks" in it because in Eclipse 3.6 Helios we had to load a custom truststore.jks into the Java runtime in order to access our subversion server using a HTTPS connection.  It turns out that Eclipse 3.7 Indigo has removed this restriction as we can access the server without the custom truststore containing our company specific certificates.  I'm not sure if this is because Eclipse 3.7 Indigo has turned off certificate validation by default or if they are now picking up the System certificate store for eclipse (???).  Either way when I remove these extra arguments we can still access our HTTPS subversion server in Eclipse and access the m2e Marketplace.  This might have to do with other changes in the 3.7 networking stack; in 3.6 the Native network provider was very slow (~10X) through our fire wall but in 3.7 the Native provider is as fast as Manual settings on the firewall (so I've enabled Native.)

As far as I know I still have to set the custom truststore in the command line mvn client (something I haven't tested for several versions) but this will have to wait until another day.

Frederick Staats

-----Original Message-----
From: Staats, Frederick L 
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2011 2:19 PM
To: 'm2e-users@xxxxxxxxxxx'
Subject: RE: m2e market place is empty for me

To answer the question, yes I can access the from within Eclipse internal web browser and download it to my local disk.  It can be unzipped and I can view the contents.  It contains a plugin.xml, images directory, lifecycle directory, and META-INF directories.

Frederick Staats

> Are you able to access the jar listed in the XML (also might want to verify the jar can be unzipped).  It should contain a plugin.xml and some metadata
> Matthew

-----Original Message-----
From: Staats, Frederick L 
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2011 1:48 PM
To: 'm2e-users@xxxxxxxxxxx'
Subject: m2e market place is empty for me

I'm having trouble accessing the m2e Marketplace.  Here are the steps I've followed:

I've downloaded the latest J2EE version of Eclipse 3.7 Indigo, extracted and started eclipse.
Configured the manual proxy settings as required on my network (Window -> Preferences -> General -> Network Connections) Checked for updates for base Eclipse 3.7 Indigo (Help -> Check For Updates, no updates were needed) Installed M2e plugin from the Eclipse update site (Help -> Install New Software -> Indigo -
               Selected General Purpose Tools -> m2e - Maven Integration for Eclipse & m2e - slf4j over logback logging (Optional)
               The versions were both Restarted Eclipse 3.7 Indigo Went to the Window -> Preferences -> Maven -> Discovery
               Note the Catalog URL defaults to: and I can access this link from the Eclipse internal web browser in eclipse and get the following document back:

	<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<directory xmlns="";><entry permitCategories="true" url=""/>
	<!-- <entry url=""; permitCategories="true"/>-->

After hitting the Open Catalog message I get the error dialog: "! Discovery completed without finding any extensions.  Please check your network connection and try again."

Any help or debugging suggestions would be most appreciated!

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