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Re: [m2e-users] m2e memory usage

How do you measure memory usage?

I was talking about java HEAP only. Process resident size (or "Real Mem"
as shown in activity monitor) on macoax for the same tycho workspace is


On 11-07-27 11:42 AM, Konrad Garus wrote:
That's interesting. I had 500 MB with Helios with some 5-10 projects,
without m2eclipse. With m2eclipse it was 1000 MB.

Indigo _with or without_ m2e uses about 900 MB. I'll see if it grows
with time like helios+m2eclipse did.

2011/7/27 Igor Fedorenko<igor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
500M is WAY too much for two projects with or without m2e (assuming
there aren't linux source trees, of course).

As a point of reference, my tycho development workspace (some ~60 maven
and pde projects) uses ~70M after restart and ~130M after
full/clean build of all projects.


On 11-07-27 11:24 AM, Konrad Garus wrote:

After some investigation I found out that was m2eclipse (in its newest
version). I've just updated to indigo with m2e and will check if it's
any better.

I have 2 maven projects in the workspace.

2011/7/27 Igor Fedorenko<igor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

What m2e version do you use and how many workspace projects do you have?

m2e 1.0 needs about 2M for each workspace project, so 500M seems like
too much. I'd recommend using a profiler to see what uses all that


On 11-07-27 10:16 AM, Konrad Garus wrote:

I've been using m2e for a while and constantly fought problems with
memory. I decided to measure it and discovered that without m2e
Eclipse for my workspace needs about 500 MB, while with m2e it's
_twice_ as much. That's only after opening the workspace, before I
change any files or compile!

What can I do to decrease memory impact of m2e? I don't care about
anything but build path&      dependency management.

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