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Re: [m2e-users] webby: Could not locate configuration for maven-war-plugin

Rafał Krzewski wrote:

I've just tried running a web application with webby
and it failed to start with message "Could not locate configuration for

Here's POM for the war project I was trying to launch:

As you can see maven-war-plugin configuration definitely is in there :).

What the error meant to say is that the maven-war-plugin configuration was not found for the cyklotron-ui overlay project.

This works with standalone maven build. I haven't checked yet if current
m2e-wtp can handle it. 0.12.x and lower definitely could not. I don't
know if it's supposed to be in webby. Even if not, more informative
error message would be nice.

Yes, the error message isn't helpful right now. Besides, in the future Webby should try and fallback to resolve the overlay WAR from the repo and use that when the project is not of war packaging.


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