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[m2e-users] Conflicting lifecycle mapping


Someone already had this issue and was suggested to remove org.sonatype.m2e.temporary.mojos. I have checked my installation details and I didn't find this connector. Do you have an idea of what can cause this issue (I have it on all my "jar" projects) :

Conflicting lifecycle mapping (plugin execution "org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-jar-plugin:2.3.1:jar (execution: default-jar, phase: package)"). To enable full functionality, remove the conflicting mapping and run Maven->Update Project Configuration.

Here is an extract from my Eclipse configuration with all m2e related plugins/features.

*** Features:
org.eclipse.m2e.feature ( "Maven Integration for Eclipse"
org.eclipse.m2e.logback.feature ( "m2e logback configuration"
org.maven.ide.eclipse.wtp.feature ( "Maven Integration for Eclipse WTP"
org.sonatype.m2e.subversive.feature ( "Maven SCM Handler for Subversive"

*** Plug-in Registry:
org.eclipse.m2e.archetype.common ( "Maven Archetype Common Bundle" [Resolved]
org.eclipse.m2e.core ( "Maven Integration for Eclipse" [Active]
org.eclipse.m2e.core.ui ( "Maven Integration for Eclipse" [Active]
org.eclipse.m2e.discovery ( "m2e Marketplace" [Starting]
org.eclipse.m2e.editor ( "Maven Integration for Eclipse (Editors)" [Active]
org.eclipse.m2e.editor.xml ( "Maven POM XML Editor" [Active]
org.eclipse.m2e.jdt ( "Maven Integration for Eclipse JDT" [Active]
org.eclipse.m2e.launching ( "Maven Integration for Eclipse Launching" [Active]
org.eclipse.m2e.lifecyclemapping.defaults ( "Default Build Lifecycle Mapping Metadata" [Resolved]
org.eclipse.m2e.logback.appender ( "Bundle-Name" [Resolved]
org.eclipse.m2e.logback.configuration ( "m2e logback configuration" [Active]
org.eclipse.m2e.maven.indexer ( "Maven / Nexus Indexer Bundle" [Resolved]
org.eclipse.m2e.maven.runtime ( "Embedded Maven Runtime Bundle" [Resolved]
org.eclipse.m2e.model.edit ( "Maven Project Model Edit Bundle" [Starting]
org.eclipse.m2e.refactoring ( "Maven Integration for Eclipse Refactoring" [Active]
org.eclipse.m2e.scm ( "SCM Maven Integration for Eclipse" [Resolved]
org.eclipse.m2e.usagedata ( "m2e / UDC integration Marketplace" [Active]
org.maven.ide.eclipse.wtp ( "Maven Integration for Eclipse WTP" [Active]
org.maven.ide.eclipse.wtp.overlay ( "Overlay support for Eclipse WTP" [Active]
org.sonatype.m2e.buildhelper ( "m2e connector for build-helper-maven-plugin" [Resolved]
org.sonatype.m2e.mavenarchiver.pomproperties ( "m2e connector for mavenarchiver pom properties" [Resolved]
org.sonatype.m2e.modello ( "m2e connector for modello" [Resolved]
org.sonatype.m2e.subversive ( "Maven SCM Handler for Subversive" [Resolved]
org.sonatype.tycho.m2e ( "Tycho Project Configurators" [Starting]

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