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Re: [m2e-users] Having a Bad Week - eclipse sick

Which open source project is that?
As we are making improvements in the 0.13 it would definitely worth trying.

On 2011-03-25, at 1:42 PM, Westfall, Eric Curtis wrote:

> I've had similar experiences (mostly related to slowness) once we migrated
> our project to a multi-module project using m2eclipse, despite my attempts
> to make sure I'm giving it enough memory and stripping eclipse down to the
> bare minimum.  It got so bad that many of our team migrated to IntelliJ
> and are happy as can be.  However, it's an open source project that we
> work on, so I felt like it was important that it at least be possible to
> build the project and everything in Eclipse so I've been trying to
> persevere and create the semblance of a workable development environment
> with Eclipse.
> That said, one thing you might try which seemed to help us a little bit
> (though I don't understand why) was to use the 32-bit version of Eclipse
> instead of 64-bit.  It seemed to consume less memory, prior to that we
> would exceed 350 mb of perm space just checking out our project from
> subversion and building it.  So it may not help you out much but it might
> be worth trying if you are currently using 64-bit.
> Good luck,
> Eric
> On 3/24/11 4:52 PM, "Steve Cohen" <scohen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> and, sad to say, it's mostly because of the combination of m2eclipse,
>> helios, subversive and the whole fracking mess.
>> Eclipse has become less and less usable.  I don't know who's to blame,
>> which plugin is the cause or whether it's the whole platform or some
>> combination.  Rare is the day of heavy development where Eclipse doesn't
>> crash many times.
>> Every crash is different.  Sometimes I have to delete the .lock file.
>> Other times I don't.  Other times I can't do it without killing processes.
>> How many minutes am I losing waiting for updates from the Maven
>> repository.  How careful I must be these days when clicking the mouse,
>> if you click when something else is going on, that's just asking for
>> trouble.
>> And then there are things going on in the background that you don't even
>> know about.
>> I decided I may have had too many plugins installed.  So I built a new
>> Eclipse installation using the latest and only what I really needed:
>> eclipse-jee-helios-SR2
>> m2eclipse, whatever the latest that's available today
>> subversive
>> hibernate plugin
>> No C, no google windowing toolkit, no perl, no python, no shell script
>> editor, no nothing I don't use daily.  That other stuff is in my old
>> installation for when I need that.
>> Did it help?  Not much.  I still wait more than I used to.  There are
>> still user interface actions that provoke crashes.  I created a new
>> workspace,and hit one of those problems in ten minutes.
>> I don't know who to blame but this world has gotten out of hand in the
>> last six months.
>> I am on a Windows XP platform with 4GB RAM.  Is that not enough anymore?
>> <end of rant>
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