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Re: [m2e-users] Programmatically Build Maven Project

What are you trying to achieve?

m2eclipse-tycho configurators are not expected to do anything during
maven build... actually, project configurators in general are not
expected to do anything during Maven build.

m2eclipse-tycho configurators are only expected to setup PDE natures and
classpath but everything else is delegated to PDE.


On 11-01-25 08:30 PM, Daniel Johnson wrote:
Hello m2e users,

I have been trying to build a maven project that needs to have tycho
configurators executed programmatically but with not much luck. Usually
I can use this code to build a maven pom.xml file:

public static BuildSummary runMaven(IFile pomFile, List<String> goals,
IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException{

if (monitor == null){
monitor = new NullProgressMonitor();
try {
monitor.beginTask("Building: " + pomFile.getName(), 3);
MavenProjectManager projectManager =
IMaven maven = MavenPlugin.getDefault().getMaven();
IMavenProjectFacade facade = projectManager.create(pomFile, true, new
SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1));
ResolverConfiguration config = facade.getResolverConfiguration();
MavenExecutionRequest request =
projectManager.createExecutionRequest(pomFile, config, new
SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1));
MavenExecutionResult result = maven.execute(request, new
SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1));
if ( result.hasExceptions()){
// Throw CoreException

BuildSummary summary = result.getBuildSummary(result.getProject());

return summary;
finally {

But when I try this on a project that needs tycho conifurations ran I
found this doesn't work. I found that the m2eclipse auto builder was
also failing on my project in the same way and after doing some googling
I realized I need this in my project pom for the m2eclipse auto builder
to work correctly:

<configurator id="org.maven.ide.eclipse.jdt.javaConfigurator" />
<configurator id="org.maven.ide.eclipse.modello.modelloConfigurator" />
id="org.maven.ide.eclipse.plexus.annotations.plexusConfigurator" />
<configurator id="org.maven.ide.eclipse.mavenarchiver.pomProperties" />
<configurator id="maven-bundle-plugin" />


However, the function I have still does not work. I even tried the
following two lines to be sure that the m2e profile would be picked up.

ResolverConfiguration config = facade.getResolverConfiguration();
config.setActiveProfiles("m2e"); // Added this, but when execute runs it
says it can't be activated because it does not exist
MavenExecutionRequest request =
projectManager.createExecutionRequest(pomFile, config, new
SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1));
MavenPlugin.getVersion()); // Added this in hopes of activating the m2e
profile in the pom

But this doesn't seem to help either. Is there a better way to do this?
Can anyone point me to the m2eclipse auto builder code so I can see what
it is doing differently?
m2e version = 0.10.2, tycho=0.4.3

I have also tried this code with the same results:

IMaven maven = MavenPlugin.getDefault().getMaven();
File file = new File(pomFile.getLocationURI());
File projectDirectory = new File(pomFile.getProject().getLocationURI());
MavenExecutionRequest request;
request = maven.createExecutionRequest(monitor);
request.setBaseDirectory( projectDirectory );

MavenExecutionResult result = maven.execute(request, monitor);

Thanks in advance,

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