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[m2e-users] nested modules

For quite a while our environment is based on:
  • Eclipse
  • m2Eclipse
  • Maven
  • Mercurial
  • Hudson
Until now we have been using the Galileo version of eclipse and an older version of the m2Eclipse plugin. This setup also supported nested Maven modules which could be build within Eclipse and also using Maven command line through Hudson. The whole project (including the nested modules) was put in the Mercurial scm.
When we tried to upgrade Eclipse(to Helios) we found that the corresponding m2Eclipse plugin no longer supports nested modules. I read in the docs that one should use a flat structure and map every nested module into a separate Eclipse project. This could work when using SVN which allows checking out a 'subtree'. As we are using Mercurial, this seems no longer possible (an Eclipse project maps to a Mercurial repo).
Can somebody describe which approach we should take to be able to:
  • develop in Eclipse
  • use Mercurial scm
  • use multiple modules
  • build from maven command line (Hudson)

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