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[m2e-users] m2eclipse-wtp 0.11.1 has been released


m2eclipse-wtp 0.11.1 has been released and is available under
This new release just fixes an incompatibility with m2eclipse-core 0.12.0 but doesn't bring any new features or bug fixes.

I want to remind you that m2eclipse-wtp specific bugs are now managed under a dedicated JIRA project :
All current "opened", "reopened" and "in progress" issues on m2eclipse's WTP Component have been (manually) migrated to the new JIRA. I also tried to move a few issues relevant to WTP (even though there's a good chance I missed a few ones)

I would like to ask all bug reporters to check if the new m2eclipse combo fixes their issues. If so, then update the relevant issues in

One last thing : before opening a new issue, always make sure maven-eclipse-plugin is not present in your pom.xml (it's known to badly interact with m2eclipse-wtp in particular)


Fred Bricon

"Have you tried turning it off and on again" - The IT Crowd

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