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[m2e-dev] m2e 2.0.1 and m2e-wtp 1.5.0 are released

Hi all,

m2e 2.0.1 is released (2.0.0 had a glitch and was discarded immediately), and m2e-wtp 1.5.0 compatible with m2e 2.0.1 is released too.

Please seeĀ for details.
Note that this is a *breaking* release, so if you've relied on m2e APIs, you'll have to verify compatibility and most likely to adapt some code for it to work with this new release. The release notes has links to example of migrations, but if you're willing to invest more effort into formalizing some better migration document, that is very welcome (as pull requests).

Those versions will be part of SimRel 2022-09.

Thanks to numerous contributors!


Mickael Istria
Eclipse IDE developer, for Red Hat Developers

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