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[m2e-dev] Changing pom.xml properties in Eclipse

Hello everybody,

I've created a plugin which allows you to change properties in your pom.xml within Eclipse IDE. Please take a look at this video which shows how it works[1].

My use-case is following:
I have a file on which I apply maven resource filtering. After filtering this file should contain a path to a runtime which I'm later using when running tests. 
When I do this using maven build, maven downloads this runtime and thanks to resource filtering path is set accordingly. 
However when Im using Eclipse IDE to build and run my tests I would like to do a different filtering - pointing to a runtime which I've downloaded previously to some other folder. 
Using my plugin I can set a different value of property defined in my pom.xml and keep using resource filtering without changing a single file in my project.

If you think that other m2e users could benefit from this feature I can create a gerrit pull request.

To try this plugin[2] yourself you will also need this branch of m2e[3].

Let me know what you think.Thanks.


Rastislav Wagner

Red Hat Czech
Purkynova 111, 612 00 Brno, Czech Republic

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