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[m2e-dev] maven installation support rework

I've just pushed relatively big rework of how m2e handles Maven
installations. The core of this change is to give installations logical
names and make it possible to configure individual installations.
Currently only custom core extensions can be configured (something I
needed for my maven core development work), but we can add things like
default parameters relatively easily now.

Using runtime names also makes launch configuration little easier to
share. Different developers still need to manually configure maven
installations used by shared launch configurations, but at least these
runtimes do not have to be installed at exactly the same location on all
development machines.

Somewhat controversially, I removed support for global user settings.xml
file. It was only used to calculate location of maven local repository,
which didn't make much sense, and it was getting in the way of the
changes I needed to make to the maven installation ui. I do not believe
anyone is affected by this, but let me know if I missed a usecase and
we'll figure out how to bring this back.


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