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Re: [m2e-dev] [m2e-users] Get error "Project configuration is not up-to-date with pom.xml"

You need to override AbstractProjectConfigurator#hasConfigurationChanged(IMavenProjectFacade, ILifecycleMappingConfiguration, MojoExecutionKey, IProgressMonitor)

#mavenProjectChanged is invoked whenever the pom.xml or the project dependencies change, so you can perform some configuration modifications on your project accordingly.

I'm moving this thread to the m2e-dev list, which is more appropriate to discuss m2e API usage.


Fred Bricon

On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 11:03 AM, Zhang, Xueqian <xueqzhang@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

I implemented an m2e connector for my own maven plugin. In my configurator, I extended the 'AbstractProjectConfigurator' and only implemented the 'getBuildParticipant' to return my participant.  However, when I modified some configurations of this maven plugin in pom.xml, I got the error 'Project configuration is not up-to-date with pom.xml'.

Is there any other methods I should implement? I debugged the m2e source code and found that there was a method 'mavenProjectChanged' in configurator. Should I implement it? What is the correct logic of this method?


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