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[m2e-dev] Why org.eclipse.m2e.tests.common exported as x-internal?


Is org.eclipse.m2e.tests.common exported as x-internal intentionally?


I'm getting the following Eclipse warning trying to write a m2e connector test: 

	Discouraged access: The type AbstractMavenProjectTestCase is not accessible due to restriction on required library /Applications/Eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.m2e.tests.common_1.1.0.20120530-0009.jar

I tried to modify the access rules for the bundle via Java Build Path > Libraries > Plun-in Dependencies, but the settings changes don't seem to survive a restart of Eclipse.  Alternatively I can mask the warning with '@SuppressWarnings("restriction")', but that has to be done at the class level with the offending API in the extends clause.



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