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[lyo-dev] Fwd: Towards Jena 5.0.0


1 Feb 2024 14:20:39 Andy Seaborne <andy@xxxxxxxxxx>:

It's about time for Jena 5.0.0.

The most significant application and user visible changes include:

- require java17
- code cleaup of deprecated methods and classes
- Remove JSON-LD 1.0 support
- Default Turtle output to use PREFIX
- Replace ARP with RRX (RDF/XML parsing)
- Rename artifact jena-tdb as jena-tdb1.

A question is whether to have 5.0.0-RC1 or 5.0.0.

If it's 5.0.0-RC1, then my suggestion is to try for a one month RC then release Jena 5.0.0.

I prefer having an RC cycle.

From my POV the current code in main is the same readiness as any other release. An RC is for feedback on the major version level changes.

Feedback doesn't always arrive. Waiting a full 3 month cycle is too long.

Do PMC member have the bandwidth to VOTE on 2 release is this shortened time?


Issues since Jena 4.10.0:

which includes the ones specifically related to Jena5:

== Current state

There is a test failure on Windows around determining for a base URI involving files. This needs investigating and correcting.

We have a problem with the UI part of the build on Jenkins.

The build servers are Ubtuntu 18.04 which has an old version of glibc and this cause node 18+ to fail. Only node16 is available.

We have 3 dependabot upgrades pending because of this.

There is work on a jenkins pipeline

[INFO] EACCES: permission denied, mkdir '/.cache'

(it's running in a container - HOME is '/' and the default Cyopress cache is "~/.cache").

The build does work using the Github actions aside from (1)

PS - Update - managed to a build of main to pass!

Outstanding - LATERAL

The implementation of LATERAL is "weak", to put it politely, as it makes assumptions about how query execution works and fails in a recently identified case. I have a reworked implementation and I'm currently writing test for it.

It would be good to include it but it's not essential.

Outstanding - tdb commands

Rework the TDB command line tools to favour TDB2 when creating a new database, and to work on either TDB1 or TDB2 by inspecting the database directory.

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