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[location-iwg] Welcome

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to the Location Industry Working Group (IWG) mailing list.

We're just booting up so to speak. The timing seems right to get interested parties together so that the discussion may develop and grow.

The Location IWG is a place for organizations and people with a strong interest in Location related technologies. There will be various threads of common interest such as reference implementations of standards, developing re-usable components, collaborating around commodity technology, collaborating around new and innovative technology, as well as joint events and marketing.

In terms of next steps:
  1. Feel free to invite/recruit other interested parties to this list. I'll create a wiki page shortly that will provide a little background & serve as a landing page in the meantime before the IWG's home page is available.
  2. We will get into discussing items of interest soon, both on this list and via. conference call. Part of this will include figuring out how to collaborate with other organizations doing similar work such as OSGeo, OGC, USGIF, and many others including open source projects.
  3. Also, many of us are going to be at the Location Intelligence conference in Washington D.C. in May. This may provide a good opportunity for a face to face meeting. Please let me know (either off-list in private or on) if you plan to be there so we can be sure to have enough room for everyone.
  4. As we progress, we'll be able to complete the tasks required to follow the Eclipse IWG process and launch. For example, we'll define the IWG's: scope, participation guidelines, identify a road map, etc. We'll use this to create a proposal, then identify an inaugural chair, satisfy the process requirements, and explore the initiatives the group is interested in.

Best regards,

Andrew Ross
Director, Ecosystems
Eclipse Foundation
Twitter: @42aross
Mobile: 1-613-614-5772

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