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[linuxtools-dev] [aeri] Weekly Problem Digest for Linuxtools

New problems reported last week

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Active problems last month

  Summary Reporters Status Severity Bug
1. NoStackTrace in ManParser.getManPage 8 UNCONFIRMED normal -
2. InvalidPathException below DockerClientFactory.getClient (thrown in WindowsPathParser.normalize) 7 UNCONFIRMED normal -
3. NullPointerException in WizardUtils.getContainerNames 6 UNCONFIRMED normal -
4. NullPointerException in ContainerDataVolumeDialog.lambda$3 5 UNCONFIRMED normal -
5. IndexOutOfBoundsException below Arc.<init> (thrown in ArrayList.rangeCheck) 4 UNCONFIRMED normal -
6. NullPointerException in RDTResourceSelectorProxy.selectResource 4 UNCONFIRMED normal -
7. NullPointerException in SpecfileParser.parseComplexDefinition 4 UNCONFIRMED normal -
8. IOException below ShellConnectionSettingsProvider.getConnectionSettings (thrown in ProcessImpl.forkAndExec) 3 UNCONFIRMED normal -
9. NullPointerException in CoreMessagesViewer$1.getChildren 3 UNCONFIRMED normal -
10. StringIndexOutOfBoundsException below ManualToc.generateSections (thrown in String.substring) 3 UNCONFIRMED normal -
11. IOException below ShellConnectionSettingsProvider.getConnectionSettings (thrown in ProcessImpl.create) 2 UNCONFIRMED normal -
12. IllegalArgumentException below ConfigUtils.getProject (thrown in WorkspaceRoot.getProject) 2 UNCONFIRMED normal -
13. NoStackTrace in ManParser.getManPaths 2 UNCONFIRMED normal -
14. NoSuchMethodError in DockerConnectionInfo.<init> 2 UNCONFIRMED normal -
15. Exception below ChangeLogAction$1.execute (thrown in ResourceException.provideStackTrace) 1 UNCONFIRMED normal -
16. NoStackTrace below ManParser.getManPaths (thrown in AccessController.doPrivileged) 1 UNCONFIRMED normal -
17. NoSuchMethodError in OpenGmonDialog.createDialogArea 1 UNCONFIRMED normal -
18. NullPointerException in Activator.getResourceString 1 UNCONFIRMED normal -

Problem Resolution Statistics

Problem ResolutionsCount
FIXED: 106

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