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Re: [linux-distros-dev] eclipse-build sub-project

On Tue, Jan 23, 2007 at 11:41:53AM -0500, Ben Konrath wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> There was some talk at the IRC meeting of making an eclipse-build
> similar to the ooo-build that's in hosted at I let the idea
> stew for a little bit and I think that it would be very beneficial.
> I'd like to get an idea of how people think we should proceed and what
> kind of features we want. Here's a brain dump of my initial thoughts:
> * build technology / language to use: shell? python? something 
>   else?

Shell is something available everywhere.

> * patch selection: do we check in all our patches and have a conf file 
>   to select the patches we want? or another way?

I think a conf file is okay.

> * how we deal with the seamokey vs. mozilla vs. firefox dep.

That can be done by different patches applied in the different distros.

> * FHS compliance: Fedora/Red Hat packages need this, but is everybody 
>   else interested in this? If not, we need the ability to turn this on 
>   and off

For now I would like to be able to turn it off.

> * do we want consistent package names and contents?

I dont think thats always possible 100%. E.g. Debian has some rules when
naming library packages like SWT. But for the big part of it we should
have consistent names.

> * do we want to provide official releases that we can reference as an 
>   upstream download or just use cvs snapshots?

Official releases (with selected backported patches if needed) should give
us a good base.

> * anything else?
> I don't mind starting this project off by transferring the build we do
> in Fedora to seed the project. But, I don't want this to become a Red
> Hat only thing so I'm totally willing to compromise where necessary and
> patch within the Fedora or Red Hat builds if need be. I also want
> everyone to be a part of this build project so that the people who
> maintain packages for any distro should feel comfortable committing to
> the project. The whole point of this would be to save us all work and
> let us co-maintain a set of standard Linux (maybe even Unix) Eclipse
> build scripts.
> Thanks everyone, I'm looking forward to your comments.

I really appreciate your effort. It gives us the opportunity to work
together more close and benefit all from it. Our users too.

 .''`.  | Michael Koch <konqueror@xxxxxx>
: :' :  | Free Java Developer <>
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